The Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research
Dendrochronological Software
PC software for tree-ring applications is available and downloadable from the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research
- The Laboratory itself takes no responsibility for maintaining or supporting this software
- See the disclaimers in documents associated with the various programs for more information
- The ITRDB Program Library 2.0 is the latest version of the ITRDB Program Library, an extensive collection of programs to acquire, manipulate, analyse and display tree-ring data; they are accompanied by extensive documentation, including on-line help, and run from an easy to use DOS-based menu.
- The Dendrochronology Program Library is a subset of the programs included in version 2.0 of the ITRDB Program library, based on software which has been extensively used on mainframe machines.
- Fire History Application: Manipulates event chronologies, in particular those related to fire scars and other fire history studies; written by Henri D. Grissino-Mayer.
- Precon 5.17C: This update to Precon 4.0 adds features and fixes bugs in software written by Harold Fritts to analyze tree-ring responses to monthly climatic variation. The graphics software for Precon is not included and must be obtained from Harold Fritts.
- TREERING 3.0: A process model of cambial activity and ring structure in conifers using daily climatic data, by Harold Fritts, Alexander Shaskin (Institute of Forestry, Krasnoyarsk, Siberia), and Geoff Downes (CSIRO Division of Forest Products, Victoria, Australia).
- Tree-Ring Matlab Toolbox: A collection of MATLAB functions for analysis of tree rings and other time series. Includes computerized skeleton plot and group-plot of multiple ring-width series. Written by Dave Meko.
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The University of Arizona
Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, The University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona 85721 USA
Main Office: (520) 621-1608, Fax: (520) 621-8229
Comments to Paul Sheppard: sheppard@ltrr.arizona.edu
Copyright © 1999, Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, The University of Arizona
Revised -- September, 1999
URL: http://tree.ltrr.arizona.edu/software.htm