The University of Arizona

Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research

Outreach and Extension

The Laboratory is a widely known, frequently used educational attraction for many types of groups including University of Arizona classes and labs, class groups from other universities, class groups from primary and secondary schools, and various non-academic organizations. Faculty/staff have helped prepare museum displays and have appeared in PBS, BBC and German Public TV productions.

Rex Adams (middle of photo) teaching elementary school students about tree rings.

Staff, students and faculty spend many hours each year visiting schools and community organizations and leading tours of the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research. We have many handouts and hands-on demonstrations suitable for many age groups.

To arrange a tour of the lab or a visit from one of us, please contact our outreach specialist, Rex Adams:

Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, The University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona 85721 USA
Main Office: (520) 621-1608, Fax: (520) 621-8229
Comments to Paul Sheppard: