Tree-Ring ResearchSouthwest Fire:
General OverviewFires of the past were different from those of today.
- Read on for scientific and media overviews of the forest fire dilemma of the Southwest:
- Barrett, S.W. 1999. Why burn wilderness? Fire Management Notes 59(4):18-21. This article discusses why fire should be returned to forest ecosystems, at least in wilderness areas. (4-page, 182-Kb pdf file, with color photos, password protected)
- Weise et al. 1996. Rx fire research for Southwestern forests. Fire Management Notes 56(2):23-25. This article discusses returning fire specifically to Southwest forest ecosystems. (3-page, 614-Kb pdf file, password protected)
- Talking fire: This 1996 Arizona Daily Star editorial opinion summarizes the forest fire management issue, with a historical note on how and why Southwest forests are unhealthy ecologically, a listing of various current management alternatives, and a call for policy decision making.
- Rash of 1994 forest fires blamed, in part, on blaze policies of past: This 1995 Arizona Daily Star article describes the opinion of many forest managers that past fire suppression policies have led to the current forest fire management dilemma.
- Overgrazing fuels wildfires, environmentalists charge: This 1995 Arizona Daily Star article ascribes some of today's wildfire problem to past overgrazing of forests.
- Forest fire prevention cost put in billions: This 1994 Arizona Daily Star printing of an Associated Press news story puts a high price tag on solving the current dilemma of forest fire management in the West. Expensive yes, but, alas, something must be done.
- Fighting wildfires might make future fires worse: This 2015 CBS article and MinuteEarth video (only 3+ minutes long) summarize the wildfire situation.
Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona 85721 USA
Main Office: (520) 621-1608, Fax: (520) 621-8229
Comments to Paul Sheppard: sheppard @
Copyright © 2000-2012, Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona
Revised April, 2012