Section Title
Text paragraph
- Download this file into your webhome and change its name to 'index.html'.
Anyone browsing to your webhome will automatically be directed to that
- Change the vital info at the top and add your own photograph. Photos
in this area should be no wider than 250 pixels. Enter the appropriate
width and height into the HTML. Email the webmaster if you need help
resizing and cropping photographs.
- Add whatever content you like in this section of the page, including
links to pages that you have already made.
- Use the HTML tag 'h3' to denote a section of information; use the
HTML tag 'p' to denote a paragraph of text. These tags will automatically
format your text with proper font, size, etc. You may also add extra
photos or other HTML elements.
- Send the webmaster your homepage address so it can be linked from
the people page.
- Delete these instructions.