April 20: Theme: Sky Island Forest Management
Graham County GSA Building 921 W. Thatcher Blvd., Safford, AZ 85546

Click on map to enlarge.
Draft Agenda
Presentation Title (hover over titles to see abstracts)
8:00 AM |
Final registration, pastries, coffee
8:30 AM |
Opening Remarks
Al Hendricks Chair, 2018, Southwestern Section Society of American Foresters
8:40 AM |
Curtis Booher District Ranger Safford Ranger District, Coronado National Forest
8:45 AM |
Moderator Comments
Ann Lynch, Ph.D. Forest Entomologist
USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station
9:00 AM |
The Frye Fire (Pinaleños/Mt. Graham), 2017
Everett Phillips Fire Management Officer Safford Ranger District, Coronado National Forest
9:30 AM |
Impact of Frye Fire on Mt. Graham Red Squirrel and Mexican Spotted Owl Habitat
Marit Alanen Biologist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
10:00 AM |
Break Snacks by Cottage House Bakery
10:30 AM |
Impacts of Post Fire Bark Beetle Activity - Concerns and Mitigation
Monica Gaylord and John Anhold Forest Entomologists Region 3 Forest Health Zone Office
11:00 AM |
Planned Forest Restoration Following the Frye Fire
Leslie T. Prewitt and Jena Trejo Forest Silviculturist and Zone Forester Coronado National Forest
11:30 AM |
Mixed Conifer Restoration and Resiliency
Amy E.M. Waltz, Ph.D. Program Director, Science Delivery NAU Ecological Restoration Institute
noon |
Kainoas Hawaiian Grill
Keynote address:
Molly Hunter
School of Natural Resources and the Environment University of Arizona
Title: SWFSC and its Role in Science and Management Partnerships in the Southwest
1:00 PM |
Management Strategies for Threatened White Pine
Ethan Bucholz Ph.D. student NAU School of Forestry
1:30 PM |
Persistence of Post-Fire Conifer to Shrub Transitions in the Southwest
Chris Guiterman, Ph.D. Research Associate UA Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research
2:00 PM |
Preliminary Thoughts on Changes to Hydrologic Properties of Soils Following Multiple Uncharacteristic Fires
Ann Youberg, Ph.D. Research Geologist Arizona Geological Survey
2:30 PM |
Break Snacks by Cottage House Bakery |
3:00 PM |
Outcomes of Wildland Fire Research and Future Directions in the Southwest
Molly Hunter, Ph.D. Research Scientist UA School of Natural Resources and the Environment
3:30 PM |
Partnership - Gila Watershed Partnership, a 30-year Success Story
Bill Brandau Director UA Graham County Cooperative Extension
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM |
Business Meeting, Southwestern Section SAF
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM |
Evening Banquet, Southwestern Section
BBQ Dinner by Randy Hawkins Catering
SWSAF Recognition
Sponsored in part by the Gila Watershed Partnership.
The Plank
501 S. Gila Ave. Safford |

Click on map to enlarge. |
7:45 AM |
Begin meeting up at Comfort Inn & Suites in Thatcher |
8:00 AM
9:15 AM |
Depart for and drive to the Pinaleño Mountains and Mt. Graham
9:15 AM
10:15 AM |
1st Stop: Treasure Park
Leslie Prewitt and Jena Trejo: Restoration Planning after Frye Fire
Monica Gaylord and John Anhold: Bark Beetle Mitigation Efforts following the Frye Fire
Amy Waltz: Hospital Flats ERI Restoration Plots and Treasure Park Prescription
10:15 AM
11:00 AM |
11:00 AM
12 noon |
2nd Stop: Columbine Forest Service Administration Site
Ann Lynch: Disturbance Regimes of the Pinaleno Moutains
Melissa Merrick: Mt. Graham Red Squirrel Research Efforts in the Pinaleños
Everett Phillips: Suppression Challenges Faced on the Frye Fire
12 noon
12:30 PM |
Lunch at Columbine
sandwiches, etc., provided
12:30 PM
1:00 PM |
1:00 PM
3:00 PM |
3rd Stop: Mt. Graham International Observatory
Observatory Personnel: Guided tours of the telescopes
3:00 PM
5:00 PM |
Depart for and drive to Comfort Inn & Suites in Thatcher
Registration and Fee Payment
The basic fee structure for this meeting is as follows:
SAF Member: $75.00
Non-SAF Member: $80.00
Student: $37.50
Evening Banquet Only: $30.00
Technical Session & Banquet: $65.00
Late Fee (after April 6): $10.00
Donation: any amount is appreciated
To register, download this pdf registration form.
Fill in and send to Paul Sheppard, either by email or by USPS mail.
Both addresses
are given on the form, lower left corner. |
To pay your registration fee securely online by credit card, click this button:
Enter the amount you owe, do the security code thing, and click continue. Should be easy.
To pay by check, include your check with your hardcopy registration form in regular USPS mail.
Feeling Generous?
If you'd like, feel free to help defray conference expenses and/or support student
attendance by adding any amount you wish to your registration fee. There's a box on
the registration form for that. Thanks! |